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Mouldings (Frames)

Sydney’s Best Picture Frame Moulding Chop Service

Order frames ready-made or purchase unassembled pieces from our frame moulding chop service. We can cut or mitre them to the sizes you require, so you can assemble them at your leisure.

Why Order Chop?

This is a great, cost-effective option for DIY framers who want to frame their works to their own specifications – or customers who are experienced framers and just need some framing supplies. Frames can be works of art in themselves, and contribute hugely to the overall design impact of any piece. Ordering mouldings pre-cut into chop affords the framer a greater level of flexibility and design autonomy.

Find a Frame to suit your Needs.

We have an extensive range of mouldings from major suppliers in a range of classic and contemporary designs. Browse from our selection online or in store to find the picture frame moulding chop service that most suits your design needs. We have a range of traditional wooden as well as more modern aluminium mouldings in a variety of colours. Our products are sure to complement your art piece and interior design scheme.

Below are examples of our most popular standard Frames